人小鬼大,表面上是在贬低人,实际上却有赞扬人的暗含意思。今天,我要把它用在令人赞叹的小家伙身上——Spendor S3/5扬声器。对于一个平和的人来说,能聆听Spendor S3/5实在是件幸福的事。表面上,它并不显山露水,它的外观平凡得不能再平凡了,但在它的再现声音能力上却是个出类拔萃的高手。识英雄重英雄,在我不断与它亲密接触后,我的耳朵,我的感觉,都不得不信服于这个小巧的精灵。
Small kid, on the surface is to belittle people, in fact, there are people who praise the implication. Today I’m going to use it on the amazing little guy - the Spell S3 / 5 speaker. For a peaceful person, listening to Spendor S3 / 5 is really a happy thing. On the surface, it does not show the dew, its appearance can not be ordinary, but in its ability to reproduce the sound is an outstanding master. Know the hero hero, after I keep in close contact with it, my ears, my feelings, have to convince the small elves.