娱乐商务两不误——评SHARP XV-Z100A投影机

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SHARP(夏普)在显示技术方面有其独到的技术,在行业内可称得上翘楚,SHARP液晶显示器的“无缝”技术一直称雄于业界,对于SHARP的视频产品,在用户的心目中是值得信赖的。在投影技术方面,全球第一台LCD投影机正是出于SHARP的手笔,虽然说SHARP是LCD投影机的始创者,但是于2005年初,SHARP却出人意料地宣布不再生产LCD投影机,而转投DLP的怀抱,而在当时DLP的技术并不比LCD技术强,但后来市场反映证实了SHARP的这次“转型”是一次正确的抉择。SHARP凭着其对视频技术的独到见解和技术实力,在DLP投影技术方面,很快得到了用户的认同,在这短短一年多的时间内,已有数款堪称经典的DLP投影机广受用户推崇,本文要介绍的Z100A正是代表作之一。Z100A的市场定位是面向中低端用户,并且兼顾了商务的实用性。 SHARP (Sharp) in the display technology has its own unique technology, can be regarded as the leader in the industry, SHARP LCD “seamless” technology has dominated the industry, for SHARP video products, the user’s mind is worth trusted. In the projection technology, the world’s first LCD projector is out of the hand of SHARP, although SHARP is the founder of LCD projectors, but in early 2005, SHARP has unexpectedly announced that it will no longer produce LCD projectors, and switch DLP’s embrace, and at the time DLP’s technology is not stronger than LCD technology, but later the market confirmed SHARP’s “transition” is a correct choice. SHARP with its unique insights on video technology and technical strength in the DLP projection technology, quickly gained the user’s approval, in just over a year time, there are several known as the classic DLP projector wide Respected by users, this article is to introduce the Z100A is one of the masterpiece. Z100A market positioning is for low-end users, and take into account the practicality of business.
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本研究探讨ABO新等位基因O61的分子机制。利用单克隆抗体检测标本红细胞ABO血型抗原,标准A、B、O红细胞检测标本血清中的ABO抗体。采用聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reacti