
来源 :学苑创造(1-2年级阅读) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sck1028
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今天早上,我在上学的路上看到了三角梅。三角梅的枝头上开满了五颜六色的花,有的是艳红色,有的是粉红色,还有的是紫(zi)色,远远望去,就像一片绚(xuan)烂的晚霞(xia),漂亮极了!花丛中,蜜蜂正在辛勤(qin)地采蜜,蝴蝶 This morning I saw Bougainvillea on my way to school. Bougainvillea’s branches are full of colorful flowers, some are bright red, some are pink, and some purple, from afar, like a xuan (xia) rotten sunset (xia), pretty Among the flowers, the bees are collecting honey and butterflies with diligence
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Background It is believed that estrogen plays pivotal roles in the regulation of follicle/oocyte maturation and oocyte fertilizability. It is also involved in
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