山西省人民委員会批轉水利厅关于水土保持专业队目前情况和几个問題的报告晋水字176号 1966年9月12日一九六六年六月二十二日省人民委员会第十次行政会议研究了水利厅“关于水土保持专业队当前情况和几个问題”的报告,同意报告中关于队员口粮标准、劳动眼、探亲假、病员处理及坏分子处理的意见。现将水利厅“关于水保专业队目前情况和几个问題的报告”转发给你们,希遵照执行。在执行中,如有问題,可直接向水利厅反映,以便统一修正。
Report of Shanxi Provincial People’s Committee Approving Water Conservancy Department on the Current Situation and Several Issues of Soil and Water Conservation Professional Team Jin Shui Zi 176 September 12, 1966 June 22, 1966 Provincial People’s Committee Tenth The Executive Council studied the report of the Department of Water Resources, “Current Situation and Several Issues Concerning Soil and Water Conservation Professional Team”, and agreed with the report on team members’ rations standards, labor eyes, family visits, patient treatment and treatment of bad elements. Now the Department of Water Conservancy "on the current situation and a few questions on the status of water and soil conservation team In the course of implementation, if there is a problem, it can be directly reflected to the Water Resources Department for unification.