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剧透:在花果山带领群猴操练武的美猴王孙悟空因无称心武器,到东海龙宫借宝。龙王许诺,如果他拔出定海神针,就送给他。美猴王技艺非凡,拔出了宝物,龙王却反悔了,并到玉帝面前告状。太白金星出主意将美猴王骗到天宫做弼马温,表面封官实为软禁。美猴王得知真相怒回花果山,自封“齐天大圣”。玉帝发怒,命天兵天将前去捉拿,结果大败而归。太白金星又向玉帝献计,假意封美猴王为“齐天大圣”命他在天宫掌管蟠桃园。一日,王母娘娘设蟠桃宴,各路神仙应邀赴宴,却独独没有请美猴王。美猴王知道后火冒三丈,大闹瑶池…… Spoiler: In Huaguoshan led the monkey exercise arms of the Monkey King Monkey because of no desires weapons, to the East China Sea Dragon Palace treasure. Dragon King promised, if he pulled Dinghai God needle, give him. Monkey King extraordinary skill, pulling out the treasures, the Dragon King has regretted, and to the Jade Emperor pleaded guilty. Taibaijinxing out of the idea of ​​the Monkey King fool Temple to do Bute Ma Wen, the surface seal is actually under house arrest. Monkey King learned the truth back Huaguo Mountain, self-styled “Monkey King ”. Emperor Jade anger, life Tianbing will go to arrest, the result defeated. Taibai Venus to the Jade Emperor sacrifice, falsely intended to close the Monkey King “Monkey King ” ordered him to rule Peach Garden in the temple. On the 1st, the Queen Mother set peach banquet, various deities invited to feast, but alone did not please the Monkey King. After the Monkey King know furious, quarrel Yao Chi ...
华山松(Pinus armandi Franch),生长快,适应性强,材质优良,是贵州中西部高寒地区重要用材树种。为解决贵州华山松造林用种需要,1978年就开始在华山松自然分布区的威宁建立华
为了为梭梭大面积飞机直播造林提供依据,我们于1978—1980年在莫索湾一五○团进行了梭梭雪地直播造林试验。 一五○团建场前原是一片茂密的荒漠梭梭林,后来由于人为活动,绿
Background: The aim of this study was to examine the association between increasing severity of age-related maculopathy (ARM) stages, visual function and qualit
Purpose: To identify ocular complications in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), who have a propensity to progress to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). M