This report puts forward from the perspective of economic transition and time and space. In China, the modernization of commodity circulation and its circulation industry is first and foremost a comprehensive issue at the macro level. The circulation innovation research is first and foremost the task of mainstream economics. Theoretical and policy research urgently needs to supplement the “macro circulation theory” mentality and innovation. The policy study led by this study found that China not only faces “two changes” in the economic system and economic growth patterns, but also urgently needs to use circulation innovation to accelerate the pace of the economy, accelerate the circulation of goods and capital turnover as the core, and comprehensively improve the first The main content of commodity processes and structures in the secondary, tertiary and tertiary industries is to promote the “third change” in the national economy from static, slow-paced, high-cost, low-efficiency to dynamic, fast-paced, low-cost, and high-efficiency.