Objective To understand the causes of infertility by laparoscopy. Methods A total of 79 women aged 20-39 years with infertility suspected of having pelvic organic disease were examined by laparoscopy. The cause of the disease was confirmed and targeted therapy was given. Results Of the 79 patients, 32 cases of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, 18 cases of endometriosis (1 case with subserosal uterine fibroids), 6 cases of ovarian cyst, 3 cases of vesicular appendages were diagnosed by laparoscopy. Tuberculous peritonitis in 3 cases, 8 cases of ovarian dysfunction ovulation. Conclusion For infertility suspected pelvic organic disease, we must make clear the cause of diagnosis and then targeted comprehensive treatment. Laparoscopic technology is a recommended clinical diagnosis and treatment, diagnosis and treatment of infertility have some value.