从小作坊起步 1961年,台湾还是农业社会,宝成集团现任总裁蔡其瑞的父亲蔡裕元,就开始利用农村人力在农闲时候发展手工编织副业。给蔡家加工的家庭,遍布沿岸小镇到台中的内陆。蔡其瑞记得,每天天还没亮,他和几个弟弟便跟随在父亲后面,徒步从沿海走到内陆,一家家去送原料或收购产品。鹿港冬天的海风特别冷,但这一切都不能阻止蔡家父子的脚步。
From the start of a small workshop In 1961, Taiwan was still an agricultural society. Cai Yurui, the father of Cai Chuiru, the current president of Baocheng Group, began to use rural manpower to develop manual weaving in secondary farming. The families that were processed by Cai Jia were scattered all over the coastal towns to the mainland of Taichung. Cai Qirui remembers that every day he hasn’t lighted yet. He and several younger brothers followed his father and walked on foot from the coast to the inland. A family went to send raw materials or purchase products. The sea breeze in Lukang winter is particularly cold, but all this cannot stop the footsteps of Cai and his son.