The author investigates the query optimization problem for parallel relational databases. A multi-weighted tree based query optimization method is proposed. The method consists of a multi-weighted tree based parallel query plan model, a cost model for parallel qury plans and a query optimizer. The parallel query plan model is the first one to model all basic relational operations, all three types of parallelism of query execution, processor and memory allocation to operations, memory allocation to the buffers between operations in pipelines and data redistribution among processors.The cost model takes the waiting time of the operations in pipelining execution into consideration and is computable in a bottom-up fashion. The query optimizer addresses the query optimization problem in the context of Select-Project-Join queries that are widely used in commercial DBMSs. Several heuristics determining the processor allocation to operations are derived and used in the query optimizer. The query optimizer is aware of memory resources in order to generate good-quality plans. It includes the heuristics for determining the memory allocation to operations and buffers between operations in pipelines so that the memory resourse is fully exploit. In addition, multiple algorithms for implementing join operations are consided in the query optimizer. The query optimizer can make an optimal choice of join algorithm for each join operation in a query. The proposed query optimization method has been used in a prototype parallel database management system designed and implemented by the author.