Madame Charpentier and Her Children《夏尔潘蒂埃夫人和她的孩子》

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  A brilliant and attractive woman, with great influence in the world of letters, art, and politics, Madame Charpentier became interested in the Impressionists in the late 1870s, and particularly in Renoir. When he was commissioned to paint her—one of the most celebrated hostesses in Paris—at home with her children, Renoir seized the opportunity to make an impressive showing in the Salon of 1879, and thus encourage the reception of his work in circles that could afford to pay for it.
   Here is that rare hybrid, a picture that meets the requirements of society portraiture, while at the same time engaging the artist fully in terms of his own personal creativeness. The patron, understandably, subordinates his interests in pictorial values to his hopes for an agreeable presentation of those qualities in his family that are precious to him. And certainly, as a charming revelation of a particular woman and her children, of her personality and the quality of her home, this picture is an unqualified success, and was so regarded at the Salon.
   But it is also successful as a Renoir: full of grace and freshness, and arranged with a freedom rather unusual in a picture in which the various elements are not the choice of the artist at liberty in his own studio. Boldly, the artist concentrates attention on the children and the dog, who rolls his eyes in mock anguish over the weight on his back. In contrast to these attractions, through the placing of the figures and the perspective of the rug, the eye is led to the upper right corner, where there is a grouping of handsomely painted details, and an exit into the distance. To lend stability to the canvas and localize the vision, the prominent and richly varied black of the dress is placed in the center of the composition, taking the eye, by means of an animated silhouette, to the edge at the right.
   Black and white, in the dress and in the dog, provide one major color motif; blue, another. To set them off, coral panels appear in the background, and the other areas of the canvas embody nuances of all the major colors.
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同样一个意思或意念,不同的民族往往有不同的表达方法。遇到这种情况时,翻译者必须细心地对两种语言加以对比、研究,然后用符合译入语的表达方式译过来,而不宜按着外文照搬到另一种语言中来。  英语中否定词的位置,就是在翻译时宜多加注意的一个问题。下面提出几个应注意的常见方面,作初步探讨。  一、… not… because…  1. The Russians are not supporting Egyp
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【导读】E. B. 怀特(1899—1985),美国当代著名小说家、散文家,《纽约客》(The New Yorker)专职撰稿人。1971年获美国“国家文学奖章”,1978年获普利策特别文艺奖,代表作《夏洛的网》(Charlotte’s Web,1952)、《精灵鼠小弟》(Stuart Little,1945)等。  本文节选自怀特1942年出版的散文集《人各有异》(One Man’s Meat)
Though it was over 30 years ago, I still remember the first time I came here. In 1981, I was a student at Nankai University in Tianjin. It was late August, and together with some classmates, we began