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用来证明案件真实情况的一切事实都是证据。根据证明力的大小和能否独立地发挥证明力,证据分为直接证据和间接证据。直接证据能独立并明确地认定被告人的行为是否符合犯罪构成的客观要件,间接证据则必须结合其他证据才能揭示被告人有罪或无罪、罪轻或罪重。直接证据的证明力无疑要强于间接证据的证明力,但也不能就此而忽视间接证据的作用。通过间接证据可以寻找、获取直接证据的线索,可以印证直接证据或别的间接证据。特别是在缺乏,或甚至无法收集直接证据的情况下,还可以将一个个或一组组间接证据合乎逻辑地构成完整的体系,依靠整体的逻辑功用,证明案件真实情况,进而得出关于案情的结论。本文仅就间接证据体系的逻辑证明及其在公安预审中的运用,从预审逻辑学的角度作些探讨。 All the facts used to prove the truth of the case are evidence. According to the size of the power of proof and whether it can exert its own proof, the evidence is divided into direct evidence and indirect evidence. Direct evidence can independently and clearly determine whether the defendant’s behavior complies with the objective elements of the crime. Indirect evidence must be combined with other evidence to reveal whether the defendant is guilty or guilty of innocence, guilt or guilt. The proof of direct evidence is undoubtedly stronger than the proof of indirect evidence, but it can not neglect the role of indirect evidence. Indirect evidence can be used to find and obtain clues to direct evidence, you can confirm the direct evidence or other indirect evidence. Especially in the absence or even the possibility of collecting direct evidence, it is also possible to logically form a complete system of indirect evidence of one or a group of groups, rely on the overall logical function to prove the real situation of the case, and then come to conclusions about the merits Conclusion. This paper only discusses the logical proof of indirect evidence system and its application in the pre-trial of public security, from the pre-trial logic perspective.
一股国际风正在席卷增城新塘的牛仔产业。$$   在意大利名师时装展演上,来自意大利的时装演绎出各自不同的潮流风格,博得现场观众阵阵掌声。$$   “这里,通向世界”—
$T汉方是在日本发展起来的日本化了的中国传统医学。汉方药则是在其理论指导下应用的药物,已形成了独自的体系。$E$$ 日本汉方药与中药应属于同根同源。汉方药在秦汉时期