我国北方冬季,尤其是滴水成冰的严寒天气,一家老少或亲朋好友围坐在餐桌旁,最受欢迎的菜肴要数“涮羊肉”了。 据说。涮羊肉原本是宫廷佳肴,不是普通老百姓能吃到的。直到清光绪年间,北京“东来顺”羊肉馆的掌柜买通了太监,才偷出了涮羊肉的佐料配方。才使涮羊肉渐渐进入寻常百姓的家庭餐桌上。 涮羊肉起源于元代。七百多年前。元世祖忽必烈统帅大军南下远征,经过多次战斗,人困马乏。
In northern China in winter, especially in drizzly ice cold weather, a young man or family and friends sitting around the table, the most popular dishes to the number of “boiled lamb.” It is said. Boiled mutton was originally court cuisine, not ordinary people can eat. Until the Qing Emperor Guangxu years, Beijing “East Lai Shun” mutton shopkeeper bought the eunuchs, it stole lamb seasoning recipe. Only make the lamb gradually into the ordinary people’s family table. Boiled lamb originated in the Yuan Dynasty. Seven hundred years ago. Kublai Khan elders army south expedition, after many battles, people sleepy lack of horses.