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一、前期工作决定上这节课的原因,在于上一年正好有听过陈海飞老师的课,当时感觉印象非常深刻,尤其是小马过河的开头,体现平均数的局限性,再加上当中以范伟和赵本山为人物的小品演示,寓例题于其中,充分吸引了学生的注意力,也因此很想自己来上这么一节课。1.第一次磨课我也是采用这种流程,然后在讲完这两个环节后,再增加练 First, the preparatory work on the reasons for this class is that the last year happened to have heard of Chen Haifei teachers class, was very impressed at the time, especially the beginning of the colt crossing the river, reflecting the limitations of the average, coupled with Among them, Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan are the characters’ sketches demonstrating that they have fully attracted the attention of students and therefore want to come to such a class on their own. 1. The first grinding class I also use this process, and then finished these two sessions, and then increase practice