Community participation in the management of wetland nature reserve: a case study of Nanjishan Natur

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In recent years, more and more conflicts have emerged in the management of nature reserves, of which the main problem is that how to carry out the campaign of conservation along with the promotion of development of local economics. To resolve the actual problem in Nanjishan National Wetland Nature Reserve and explore the idiographic method of the management of the wetland reserve, some studying methods including face-to-face interviews, informal discussion with local leaders and officials, group discussion with local fishers, questionnaire, and job of the conversation station have been carried out. The results show that the education level of the local people is low; only 5% of the local people have an opportunity to the junior college; the main income of the local people is fishing, which accounts for 70%more or less; and the income is coming down year by year because of the unreasonable way of fishing. To cope with the problems, some reformative way of management and the development of the reserve are introduced, such as establishing an NOG that constitutes of local fishermen to achieve the goal of community co-management, developing Bed and Breakfiast and so on. Through practice of the management of the participation of the local people, we draw the conclusion that the local people have a great desire to improve their life level, and to make the co-management of the reserve easy,it is important for the managers to play the role of pilot including engrafting the new ideas, giving some subsidy to encourage the local people to take part in the management. In addition, making local people perceive value of the reserve and the close relation between reserve conservation and the promotion of level of their life. On this basis, they incline to take part in the management of the reserve.
摘 要:应收账款是企业流动资产的重要组成部分,其管理现状对于企业的营运能力、财务状况以及经营业绩等都有着很大影响。而我国建筑施工企业工程款拖欠问题由来已久,多数企业应收账款管理现状堪忧,一定程度上降低了企业的资金利用效率,加大了企业的经营风险。本文首先分析了该行业应收账款管理的现状和问题。然后总结分析了相关原因,在此基础上本文引入应收账款管理创新的方式—应收账款融资,最后阐述了应收账款抵押融资的原
摘 要:财务预算日益重要,本文通过分析当前财务预算管理存在的一些问题,进一步提出几点建议来促进企业建立有效的财务预算管理。  关键词:财务管理;企业管理;财务预算  在企业的管理系统中,财务管理是比较核心的部分,其中财务预算管理也变的非常重要。预算作为一种系统的方法,可以用来分配企业的人财物等资源,进而实现企业长远的战略目标。所以,财务预算管理也常被视为具有企业计划、控制、协调、激励、评价等功能的
说起三明市委党史研究室近几年的变化,人们会不约而同地说,这与“领头羊”巫新万爱岗敬业、开拓进取密不可分。 1996年秋,年届55岁的巫新万由三明日报副总编调任市委党史研