白玉菇:属于伞菌目、口蘑科、白蘑属,是一种珍稀食用菌。营养丰富含有大量多糖和各种维生素,经常实用会改善人体的新陈代谢,降低胆固醇含量。在口感表现上更为优越,菇体脆嫩鲜滑,清甜可口,是极具品味的美味佳肴!每100克鲜品中含磷116 mg,铁1.1 mg,锌0.6 mg,钙6.0 mg,镁9.4 mg,钠1.9 mg,钾423 mg,总氨酸1.74%,
White mushrooms: belonging to the umbrella mushroom, mushroom family, white mushroom, is a rare edible mushrooms. Nutritious contains a lot of polysaccharides and vitamins, often useful to improve the body’s metabolism, lower cholesterol levels. The taste is more superior performance, mushroom body fresh and crisp, sweet and delicious, is a highly delicious delicacy! Every 100 grams of fresh products containing phosphorus 116 mg, iron 1.1 mg, zinc 0.6 mg, calcium 6.0 mg, Magnesium 9.4 mg, sodium 1.9 mg, potassium 423 mg, total amino acid 1.74%