人体肠道内的细菌如何让人保持健康或患上疾病?最近,研究人员首次发现人们的饮食若发生根本性变化,那么人们肠道内的微生物就会迅速产生变化,而且肠道内的细菌作用也会发生变化。这是人类探究人体内的微生物如何让人类保持健康状态迈出的第一步。“这是一项里程碑式的研究。”并未参与研究工作的科罗拉多大学微生物生态学家Rob Knight说,“它改变了人们的观点,关于人体内的微生物如何得以迅速地发生变化。”
How bacteria in the human gut can keep people healthy or sick? For the first time, researchers have found that if people undergo a radical change in their diet, people’s gut microbiota will rapidly change and bacteria in the gut will also Change. This is the first step toward exploring how humans in the human body can keep human beings healthy. “This is a landmark study.” Rob Knight, a microbiologist at the University of Colorado who did not participate in research, said: “It has changed the way people think about how microbes in the body can change rapidly. ”