亲爱的读者朋友们:大家好!早上中午晚上好!之所以在这里给大家写这封信,是因为大家的来信太多了——每天 n 封!有的读者甚至已经写来了第三封、第四封!想想我们该有多快乐啊——那么多的信!那么多的好主意!再想想我们又该有多苦恼啊——所有的大编辑、小编辑加起来只有5个脑袋,10只手,14个眼(当然包括),要一一回信吧,忙不过来,而且有些来信需要查阅资料或向有关部门咨询才能作答;不回吧,又对不起这么信任和关心我们杂志的朋友,现在我们恨不得能变成“千手观音”或者“九头鸟”或者“四眼狗”——管它什么都行,只要有手有头有眼能像转移功能强大的电脑一样不停地让一页一页的纸从这边飞到那边就行——不过这是不可能的啦!所以我们只好写一封这样的信了,不然我们会欠大家更多!在这里我们向给《求学》提出了建议和意见的朋
Dear Readers, Dear Readers, Good morning, good morning noon! The reason why we write this letter here is because we have too many letters - every day, some readers have even written the third , The fourth one! Think about how happy we are - so many letters! So many good ideas! Think again of how distressed we are - all the big editors and editors add up to only five Head, 10 hands, 14 eyes (including of course), one by one reply it, too busy, and some letters need to access information or advice to the relevant departments to answer; do not back it, I am sorry I trust and care about our magazine Friend, and now we can not wait to become “Avalokitesvara” or “Nine-headed bird” or “Four-headed dog” - it will do whatever it takes Powerful computers keep the page-by-page paper from side to side - but that's not possible! So we had to write a letter like this, or we would owe you more. More! Here we have friends who have suggestions and opinions for “studying.”