巨噬细胞移动抑制因子( MIF)是一种具有多种生物学功能的细胞因子,具有类似趋化因子的功能,在固有免疫、炎症反应等方面发挥重要作用。 MIF广泛分布于神经系统,受下丘脑-垂体的调控,低氧、内毒素、炎性因子等均可诱导其表达。 MIF及其基因多态性与中枢神经系统相关疾病的关系较为密切,它参与了脑血管疾病、抑郁症、痴呆、胶质瘤、多发性硬化、肌萎缩侧索硬化等神经系统疾病的发生与发展。“,”Macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF) is a kind of cytokine with a variety of biological functions,which plays an important role in innate immunity and inflammation and has the function similar to chemokines.MIF is widely distributed in central nervous system and is mainly regulated by the hypothalamus-pituitary,while low oxygen,endotoxin and inflammatory factors can all induce its expression .MIF and its gene polymorphism are closely related to central nervous system diseases .Researches have shown that MIF is involved in the onset and development of multitude neurological disease.such as cerebrovascular disease, depression,dementia,glioma,multiple sclerosis,and muscle atrophy lateral sclerosis.