近年来,以儿童为主要消费对象的食品如雨后春笋般涌现,儿童正餐外食品的费用已经成为家庭的重要开支项目之一,“儿童食品”在孩子们膳食中的比例也越来越大,不能不引起人们的重视。 儿童在生理上具有与成年人不同的特点。他们正处于生长发育的阶段,而且活泼好动,对营养素的要求相对较多。同时,儿童的胃肠容量较小,食量不大,吃饭时往往不够专心,容易发生饥饿和营养缺乏的现象。
In recent years, children-based foods have sprung up. The cost of children’s meals outside the home has become one of the major expenses of the family. The proportion of “children’s food” in the children’s diet is also growing. Do not cause people’s attention. Children are physically different from adults. They are in the stage of growth and development, and lively, nutrient requirements are relatively high. At the same time, children’s gastrointestinal capacity is smaller, less appetite, often not attentive when eating, prone to starvation and lack of nutrition.