品管圈(Quality Control Circle,QCC)是由相同、相近或互补之工作场所的人自动自发组成数人一圈的小团体,通过全体合作、集思广益,按照一定的活动程序来解决工作现场、管理等方面所发生的问题及课题。针对医保病人出院手续办理繁琐的问题,海南省第二人民医院医保办开展QCC活动,有效缩短了医保病人出院手续的办理时间,提高了病人的满意度。
The Quality Control Circle (QCC) is a small group of people who voluntarily form spontaneous circle by the same, similar or complementary workplace. Through collective cooperation and brainstorming, the QCC manages work site and management according to certain activity procedures And other aspects of the problems and issues. In view of the cumbersome issue of medical insurance patients ’discharge procedures, QCC activities are carried out by the Second People’s Hospital of Hainan Province, effectively shortening the processing time for medical insurance patients’ discharge procedures and improving the patient’s satisfaction.