2014年10月26日,由中国广告协会主办、大中华区艾菲奖推广委员会(Effie Greater China)承办,且联合中国4A、CIPRA、台北4A、IAA、HKMA、HK2A共同协办的艾菲奖实效节(Effie Festival)颁奖盛典((Effie Awards Gala),在贵阳国际生态中心综合会议厅C厅隆重举办。两个小时的颁奖盛典过程中,一共颁出107个奖项,其中包括了27座金奖。颁奖盛典的最后,万众期待的全场大奖并没有如期诞生。据了解,艾菲奖的全场大奖是经过各个评审小组模拟提案、各组辩论PK,
On October 26, 2014, Effie Greater China hosted the China Advertising Association and co-organized by the China 4A, CIPRA, Taipei 4A, IAA, HKMA and HK2A The Effie Awards Gala was held at Room C, Guiyang International Eco-Center General Assembly Hall, during which a total of 107 awards, including 27 gold medals, were presented during the two-hour awards ceremony. Awards ceremony at the end of the much anticipated public awards did not happen on schedule.It is understood that the audience award Effie Awards through the various review team simulation proposal, each group debate PK,