江西省卫生厅: 你省赣州市卫生局《关于医疗事故鉴定中有关问题的请示》收悉,经研究,现批复如下: 1、发生医疗纠纷的医患双方中的任何一方向医疗事故技术鉴定委员会提请医疗事故技术鉴定的,只要符合鉴定的受理条件,即应当受理。 2、行政复议的范围按《中华人民共和国行政复议法》的规定办理。此复。
Health Department of Jiangxi Province: You Ganzhou City Health Bureau “on the identification of medical malpractice in the request,” received, after the study, are hereby approved as follows: 1, the medical dispute occurred in any one of the medical and technical personnel to medical identification Where the committee draws a technical appraisal of a medical accident, it shall accept the appraisal as long as the appraisal conditions are met. 2, the scope of administrative reconsideration in accordance with the “People’s Republic of China Administrative Review Law” provisions. This complex.