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重视和理解老年人的心理特点,对老年病的防治有很大帮助。纠正老年人的不良心理状态,解决老年人的正常心理需求,对稳定老年人的情绪变化,健康长寿,有重要意义。老年人常见的心理需求有: ①健康需求这是老年人一种普遍心理需求。人到老年,常有恐老、怕病、惧死的心理,并希望社会对老年人的健康保健能有所保证,有所照顾。②工作需求退休离休的老年人多数尚有工作能力和学习要求。离开工作岗位后,仍希望有其他继续工作的机会,有时并不具备这种条件,则会因此感到烦恼。③依存需求老年人由於精力、体力、脑力都受到一定的限制,有的甚至不能完全自理,常会感到孤独,希望得到老伴的体贴,子女的孝顺,朋友的往 Emphasize and understand the psychological characteristics of the elderly, the prevention and treatment of geriatric very helpful. Correcting the bad psychological state of the elderly and solving the normal psychological needs of the elderly is of great significance to stabilizing the emotional changes and health and longevity of the elderly. Common psychological needs of the elderly are: ① health needs This is a common psychological needs of the elderly. When people reach old age, they often fear the elderly, fear sickness, and fear death. They also hope that the community can guarantee the health care of the elderly and take care of them. ② work needs to retire retired most of the elderly still have the ability to work and study requirements. After leaving my job, I still hope that there will be other opportunities for continuing my work. Sometimes I do not have such conditions and I will be in trouble. (3) Dependency needs The elderly are limited due to their energy, physical strength and mental ability. Some of them can not even take care of themselves. They often feel lonely. They want to be considerate of their husbands, their filial piety, their friends’
AIM:To assess gallbladder emptying and its association with cholecystitis and abdominal pain in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC).METHODS:Twenty
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