A Brief Analysis of Advertising Strategy under ELM Model Theory – Taking Mercedes Benz Car Adverti

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  Elaboration Likelihood Model is an authoritative theory for persuasive analysis from psychological perspective. This study aims to explore persuasion strategies in marketing by combining ELM model, taking Mercedes Benz advertisement as an example.
  Keywords:Elaboration Likelihood Model, persuasive, Mercedes Benz, advertisement
  【中圖分类号】 TP183 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 2236-1879(2018)11-0241-01
  Mercedes Benzis regarded as one of the most successful high-end car brands in the world because of its perfect technical level, excellent quality standard, and innovative ability. In this study, the researcher wanted to analyze the ads of Mercedes Benz, which could be a reference for other car ads.
  Literature Review
  Mercedes BenzAdvertisements
  Ignazi( 2013) uses Mercedes Benz ads as an example and claims that the importance of a good idea in advertising is that an idea must span many different types of advertising because of new channels of communication. So, in spite of markets and audience, the communication channel also cannot be neglected. These elements are all considered in Elaboration Likelihood Model Theory.
  Elaboration Likelihood Model
  There are two routes of persuasion in Advertising: central route and peripheral route, which is based on the cognitive and thinking processing depth of the audience in the actual communication context.If the audience engages in cognitive elaborate processing deeply, advertising persuasion follows the central route. Conversely, if degree of processing is low, the peripheral route will domain.
  Results and Discussion
  The Case of Mercedes Benz Advertisement Spreads in China
  Video link:https://youtu.be/3zOaoSTYMzk (Mercedes-Benz Singapore: SLK 'Masquerade' TV commercial – YouTube)
  The main characters of this advertisement are set by Fan Bingbing and Nico Rosberg, using their popularity with brand own characteristics to explain that the product can beautify the consumer image and improve the status. Taking Fan Bingbing as the heroine of the advertisement gives the target audience (mainly men) a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction. The advertisement, together with the launch of the Mercedes Benz SLK conference, invited Fan Bingbing and some entrepreneurs to achieve a good marketing goal. The series of actions of Mercedes Benz make the Mercedes Benz SLK gain enough eyeballs in China, and make the brand style of Mercedes Benz SLK be positioned in a very powerful position. This advertisement of Mercedes Benz SLK strongly conforms to the psychology of Chinese consumers, which creates the brand value of Mercedes Benz SLK and gives the audience the feeling that the elite with Mercedes Benz SLK is the upper-class society.From the advertisement design, the atmosphere can reflect the target consumer group, young business people or white-collar workers. The high tide part of the advertisement is set in the race of two cars, which directly reflects a bright spot of the product, speed. The end of the advertisement is "To See It Is To Want It. To Know It Is To Love It." as the end, to further outline the consumer's desire for the product and the desire to buy, and to strengthen the consumer's memory of the product.   The Case of Mercedes Benz Advertisement Spreads in Netherlands
  Print ad link: https://www.coloribus.com/adsarchive/prints/mercedes-benz-boy-on-bicycle-392855/ (The Print Ad titled BOY ON BICYCLE)
  There is a clear contrast between the long advertising copywriting and the simple picture of mother and son. It is clear that the focus of the creative appeal is Mercedes Benz's double air bag. The advertising designer linked old bicycle and a modern Mercedes Benz because they are both vehicles. The formerdeals with a life scene that people have experienced in childhood: sitting behind a mother's bicycle, holding his mother's buttocks, and feeling happy. Mercedes Benz is like your mother protecting your life. The latter is excellent new car equipped with a safe airbag for drivers and front seats by detailed introduce of words. This picture of mother and son uses emotional appeal and then builds emotional connection between consumers and Mercedes Benz, giving emotional preference to Mercedes Benz., which combines perfectly with Mercedes Benz Advertisement airbag function’s introduction. This design employs both central route and peripheral route.
  Based on the ELM model, this paper studies the advertising persuasion mode of Mercedes Benz car and finds that Mercedes Benz mainly follows peripheral routes. Hopefully, this paper could have referential significancefor building brand image,awareness and then achieving enterprise goal of profit.
  Ignazi, P. (2013). F@*KING AWESOME IDEAS. Applied Arts Magazine, 28(1), 052-056.
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