The impact compression lines of Jilin chondrite meteorite (H5) and Nandan meteorite (ⅢCD) were measured by electric probe technique in a two-stage gas-fired high-pressure device, and then several kinds of impact compression lines that were suitable for ordinary chondrules and The mathematical expression of the state equation of iron meteorite and the related parameter values of the equation of state were determined.Comparing the P (V) curve of the state equation with the experimental data, the most suitable form of the universal chondrite is the universal state equation , While the Nandan iron meteorites are most suitable for using the form of the equation of state equation.The universal state equation parameters of Kernel chondrites K_ (OS) = 48.10GPa, K’_ (OS) = 4.13.The three Equation equation of state parameters Q = 41.2353lGPa, q = 12.27179, which is the first report of the state equation of chondrite and nandan meteorite.