The analysis of the encoding and decoding of metonymy structure, Wittgenstein’s language family concept provides a reasonable theoretical basis for its operability and accessibility - a huge network of semantic concepts. However, the establishment of such a semantic conceptual network is influenced by the solidified representation of the cultural context or by the real-time constraints of the context of the context, so as to generate the highlighting, that is, the triggering of the target language. Davidson’s “principle of compassion” provides psychological preconditions for the decoding of metonymy from the hearer’s point of view, maximizes the consistency between the interpreter and the interpreter, and interprets what the hearer thinks of as the “source” Language. At the same time, based on the similar cognition of the speaker and the speaker to other concepts in the language family, we redefine the process of metonymic decoding - the process of idealized decoding and the process of incomplete decoding. This is metonymy Pre-judgment criteria for decoding validity.