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近日,合江县遭遇50年不遇洪灾,过境洪峰高达225.5米,给沿江居民生产生活造成严重影响。合江县充分发挥专业技术人才优势,组建四个小分队,深入洪灾一线,为抗洪抢险和灾后恢复提供技术保障。 Recently, Hejiang County encountered no floods in 50 years and the transit peak reached 225.5 meters, which seriously affected the production and living of the residents along the river. Hejiang County gave full play to the advantages of professional and technical personnel, formed four detachments and went deep into the flood front to provide technical support for flood fighting, rescue and post-disaster recovery.
Background Evaluation of fetal central nervous system (CNS) agenesis by ultrasonography (US) is frequently limited, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has its
The purpose of this study was to describe the distances of the major bony, vascular, neurologic, and visceral structures to the path of the infracoccygeal sacro
To study the impact of the introduction of reimbursement of in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) laboratory costs in Belgium whi
奎屯市发挥商贸优势,已建有奎屯商场、红旗商 场、商贸大厦、金桥商场等大型商场,并建有家具、建 材、机动车、蔬菜果品、副食品、通讯器材等专业批发 市场和新疆西部国际贸
This was a prospective pilot study of 11 polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) patients primed with limited ovarian stimulation.Oocytes were collected 60 hours after