研究了小麦品种的抗赤霉病性与多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白(PGIP)含量和分布的关系。斑点免疫结合测定(Dot-immunobinding assay)和蛋白质印迹分析(Western blotting analyze)结果显示,SW89-2589品种的PGIP含量高于89-106-2-9-24、80-8及3625品种;免疫组织化学定位表明,SW89-2589品种PGIP分布比80-8品种更为广泛。由此可见,小麦品种对赤霉病的抗性愈强,PGIP含量愈高、分布愈广。此研究结果为选育小麦抗性品种提供了一种新的鉴定方法。
The relationship between the resistance to scab of wheat cultivars and the content and distribution of polygalacturonase inhibitory protein (PGIP) was studied. Dot-immunobinding assay and Western blotting analysis showed that the PGIP content of SW89-2589 was higher than that of 89-106-2-9-24, 80-8 and 3625. Immunohistochemistry Chemical orientation showed that the PGIP distribution of SW89-2589 was more extensive than that of 80-8. Thus, the stronger the resistance of wheat cultivars to Fusarium head blight, the higher the PGIP content and the wider the distribution. This study provides a new method for the identification of wheat resistant varieties.