莲藕腐败病是浅水藕主要病害之一。1993年以来 ,随着浅水藕在我县种植面积的不断扩大 ,莲藕腐败病的发生与危害日趋严重 ,严重影响浅水藕的产量和品质。为了有效地防治该病 ,从1996年起对莲藕腐败病进行了田间观察 ,并开展防治试验和示范 ,取得了很好的防治效果。现总?
Lotus root rot disease is one of the main diseases of shallow lotus root. Since 1993, with the increase of planting area of shallow lotus root in our county, the incidence and damage of rotten lotus root become more and more serious, seriously affecting the yield and quality of shallow lotus root lotus root. In order to effectively prevent and treat the disease, field observation on rotten diseases of lotus root has been conducted since 1996, and prevention and control experiments and demonstrations have been carried out, and good control effects have been achieved. Now total?