Research on Reading Strategy Instruction Effectiveness

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  Literature Review
  For the past forty decades, the language learning strategy has always been the research focus because teaching students how to think is of same importance as teaching them what to think (Harris 1982). Reading is not merely about decoding letters and words, but largely depends on comprehension. It is widely agreed that reading involves a large amount of strategy use to reach the comprehension target.
  At the beginning, researchers mainly focus on exploring relationships between cognitive strategies and successful or less successful readers to explain better or poorer comprehension (Block 1986; Hosenfeld 1977). Later on, the emphasis was shifted to how they are applied in the language classroom (Anderson 2005; Klapwijk 2015). Being able to appropriately and skillfully apply reading strategies can not only help learners use time more efficiently but also increase longer reading time, and to this end, it is necessary to provide learners with relative strategy instruction so that they can plan, monitor and regulate strategy efficiently.
  To guide the reading teaching in classroom, a number of instruction frameworks have been developed in the past decades. Palincsar and Brown (1984) put forward Reciprocal Teaching in the form of conversations between students and teachers. Pressley (1998) also comes up with the Transactional Strategies Instruction involving direct explanation and teacher modeling of various strategies. In a recent study, Klapwijk (2015) created a formula EMC2 = comprehension framework, in which EMC comes from the first letter of the name of each stage—establish, maintain and consolidate. It helps learners use strategies in a continuous cycle of reading- predicting- checking, in line with the recursive nature of reading process.
  Research Design
  Rationale and context
  In China, research on English reading strategy instruction has also been paid attention in recent years (Li 2013; Zhang 2014), however, most stay in the level of simply borrowing concepts and frameworks. Among the research works, there is less inquiry of integrating the reading strategy instruction into the discipline content course for the English-major students in their first year of study. Li and Munby (1996) have claimed that English-major students are confronted with more academic reading, which requires them to constantly control and monitor their reading process, and for first-year students, the higher level of rigorous academic reading might put a threat to them, which might influence their learning motivation, attitude and cause anxiety. If students can be skillfully trained, they would not only improve reading proficiency for exams but also raise learning motivations.   Research questions
  This article aims to implement a two-month reading strategy instruction among first-year English-major students and examine its effectiveness, trying to provide implications for language learners, instructors, etc. The two research questions are:
  (1) Are there any differences between the strategy use for English-major freshmen before and after the reading strategy instruction?
  (2) Is the instruction effective for experimental group by comparing their post-test scores with the control group?
  Research sample
  First-year English-major students in one university in Beijing are chosen. Two classes of the similar English proficiency level, altogether approximately 80 participants will be selected to be the experimental group and control group, each having about 40 students. Participants are mostly intermediate-level EFL learners. The teacher is the researcher. The experimental group will be instructed in a two-month period, with two reading lessons each week, and the control group will be taught as what the teaching guidelines requires without much explicit instruction for reading strategy.
  Research method
  Over the past years of investigation into language learning strategy (LLS), the methodological toolbox such as questionnaires, observation, verbal reports, oral interviews, and recollection studies, have been refined continuously (Cohen, 1998). One of the most prevalent approaches is using self-report questionnaires, among which the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL, Oxford 1990) is most frequently employed. One to mention here is the Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) developed for non-native speakers of English. It is a five-Likert scale incorporating subscales such as Global Reading Strategies, Problem Solving Strategies, and Support Reading Strategies. Besides, other approaches also serve as essential introspective tools in language research, which provide detailed and rich data on different perspectives of individuals and raise students’ metacognitive awareness of their language learning (Cohen, 1998).
  Based on the analysis above, this research will adopt a mixed-method design with combination of both quantitative and qualitative approaches, possessing the strength of complementing each other. Therefore, they are: (a) the Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) rating scales, (b) two different TEM-4 tests-paper from previous years, and (c) open interviews to inquire their elicitation of strategy use.   Procedures
  Before the reading strategy instruction, the two groups of students all participate in the questionnaires and TEM-4 reading tests. Also, participants are asked whether they are willing to have further interviews, and then mark the volunteers with number for the convenience of data analysis. Among these volunteers, researcher randomly choose about 6 in each group to conduct the interviews, asking them what kind of reading strategies do they use most frequently and let them recall and retrospect the mental process while they are taking the TEM-4 reading tests. Then transcribe the interviews and try to categorize their strategy to see how much are they in line with the SORS.
  The instruction is only carried out on experimental group. The framework to follow is the EMC2=comprehension model. Reading materials can be real test papers or tests of similar type. In before-reading phase, the teacher raises learners’ awareness of strategy use and provides initial scaffolding of activating text knowledge and previous knowledge. In during-reading phase, both students and teachers are active participants to monitor their understanding and reading behavior. In after-reading stage, the instructor asks learners to answer the reading questions to check their predictions, and can provide explicit explanations to the choice of answers. The EMC framework is a recyclable and continuous process. During each phase, the instructor can explicitly elaborate his or her mental process to provide reference for learners, with the role gradually turning to the supervisor and monitor, with lessened scaffolding until students can take initiative to use the strategies independently (Klapwijk, 2015). After the instruction process, the two groups of participants are asked to answer the same questionnaire (SORS) and another TEM-4 reading test paper. Similar to previous procedures, followed semi-structured interviews (the same group of participants) will be conducted to investigate their strategy use and to examine whether any changes have taken place.
  The data analysis
  For the quantitative data gained from questionnaires and reading tests, SPSS toolkit is adopted to investigate two research questions. Pie charts will be demonstrated to show the percentage of each subscale stategies and can compare the change of percentage of different subscale strategies. As for the qualitative data, the transcribed interview data will be scrutinized by discourse analysis and thematic coding approach, gathering similar sentences according to a same theme, and try to categorize their strategies in line with the subscales on SORS.   Potential implications for teaching
  Potential implications of this study can be considered from several aspects. Firstly, reading plays an essential role in English learning, and should be learned and taught in a more efficient way. A great responsibility of teachers is to teach students how to learn, how to manage their cognitive and metecognitive process to better monitor the learning process instead of merely rigorous word and grammar instruction (Harris 1982). And teacher training course can also equip teachers with more strategy instruction to better prepare more qualified teachers. Once teachers decide to instruct strategies, they should be aware that no framework is perfect and adaptable to all teaching situations, thus the ability to combining various strategies and appropriately using them should be more important. When instructing strategies, teachers are supposed to take the initiative and provide scaffolding where needed, but only in the beginning, the real purpose is to equip students with the capacity to monitor and manage their strategy use, therefore, teachers ought to be facilitators and supervisors instead of controller. If the effectiveness of reading strategy instruction is proved, it is not hard to relate it other aspects of English learning, which is worth further thinking. There is still little empirical research on reading strategy instruction effectiveness in China, which can be attributed to the time-consuming process, however, if more research can verify its benefits, then more curriculum designers should take into consideration of incorporating reading strategy instruction into the existing courses or open a separate course to specifically teaching learning strategy.
  [1]Anderson N J (2005) L2 learning strategies. In Hinkel E (eds) Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning. Mahwah: Erlbaum, 757-771.
  [2]Block E (1986) The comprehension strategies of second language readers. TESOL Quarterly. 20(3), 463-494.
  [3]Cohen A D (1998) Strategies in learning and using a second language. London: Longman.
  [4]Harris K R (1982) Cognitive behavior modification: Application with exceptional students. Focus on Exceptional Children. 15, 1-16.
  [5]Hosenfeld C (1977) A preliminary investigation of the reading strategies of successful and nonsuccessful second language learners. System. 5, 110-123.
  [6]Klapwijk N M (2015) EMC2= comprehension: a reading strategy instruction framework for all teachers.?South African Journal of Education.35(1), 1-10.
  [7]Li LP (2013) English reading strategy instruction in college. Culture and Education. 8, 191-194.
  [8]Li S and Munby H (1996) Metacognitive strategies in second language academic reading: A qualitative investigation. English for Specific Purposes. 15 (3), 199-216.
  [9]Oxford R L (1990) Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. Boston: Heinle.
  [10]Palincsar AS & Brown AL (1984) Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehensionmonitoring activities. Cognition and Instruction. 1(2):117-175.
  [11]Pressley M (1998) Comprehension Strategies Instruction. In Osborn J and Lehr FA (eds) Literacy for All: Issues in teaching and learning. New York: The Guilford Press.
  [12]Zhang J (2014) Learning how to learn—English reading strategy instruction. Learning Weekly. 4,9.
【摘 要】作为班主任,立身正,要言传身教。“身教”即以身作则,做好在学生中的表率作用;“言传”,我认为并不是要教他们如何做人,这无异于空口说白话。我认为学生的自我认知是道德教育的第一步,但是如何使学生了解自己呢?这就要要通过老师自己掌握的知识和能力为学生营造一个好的环境,在这样的环境里,学生能够看到学校,老师,家庭以至于社会能给予他们的“真、善、美”的一面。  【关键词】道德;规范;约束;价值观;
【摘 要】针对基于我国大学体育教育改革中若干问题进行分析,从我国大学体育教育改革中存在的问题入手,然后结合我国大学体育教育改革中存在的问题,对我国大学体育教育改革的几点建议,进行有效分析。  【关键词】大学;体育教育;教育改革  一、大学教育改革中存在的问题  (一)大学体育教学方式过于单一  目前,大部分民办大学因为受到传统教育模式的影响,在进行体育教学的时候还是采用一味的灌输式教学方式,没有把
【摘 要】网络时代的到来,使中学生们享用到了计算机、手机与网络信息技术带来的便利,同时也引发了一系列中学生网络伦理道德失范等负面问题。对此,我们采取措施,重点从中学生自身修养,加强自律,从而构建中学生的网络伦理道德,对中学生自身发展具有重大意义。  【关键词】中学生;网络;伦理道德  随着科学技术的突飞猛进,网络的发展可谓日新月异,它正以前所未有的广度和深度逐渐渗透到人类生存的每一个角落,成为人类
【摘 要】古代汉语是汉语国际教育专业的专业基础课,在人才培养中扮演着非常重要的角色,然古代汉语的教学现状不容乐观。笔者结合前人的研究成果和自己多年的古代汉语教学实践,提出改进汉语国际教育专业古代汉语教学效果的两大策略,即古今中外教学策略、情境教学策略,以期引起广大教师、学者的共同探讨,进而更好地发挥古代汉语在汉语国际教育专业人才培养中的作用。  【关键词】汉语国际教育;古代汉语;策略  古代汉语是
【摘 要】引体向上不是简单的拉起与垂直,是复杂的一个运动过程,参与者与教授者一定要明确运动无小事,事事需严谨。训练后的放松与训练前的热身会直接影响运动寿命与运动能力;运动中合理、简洁的理论讲述,能让参训者更为全面了解引体向上项目;科学、适宜的训练会使训练者的成绩提高。  【关键词】男生;引体向上;训练方法;技能  一、问题的提出  《国家体育锻炼标准》中引体向上是衡量高中男生上肢力量的重要指标,由
【摘 要】由于我国二胎政策已全面开放,所以我国对于学前教育极为重视。从小培养全面性人才,德智体美劳全面发展成为学前教育的重点,但就我国目前而言,学前教育仍然存在许多问题,本文所讨论就是学前教育中较为薄弱的环节——体育游戏教学。体育游戏教学是学前教育中的一种娱乐教学方式,通过做游戏来培养儿童各方面的能力。本文主要论述儿童体育游戏教学在学前教育应用中存在的问题和如何处理这些问题以及儿童体育教学对学前教
【摘 要】面对新的教育形势,不仅要改进和逐步调整课程内容和管理制度,还要更新适应时代的教学方法,使学生的个性和能力得到提升,根据职业学校体育教育现状,分析了职业体育个性化课程体系构建策略。  【关键词】个性化;高职高专;体育课程;教学体系  近年来,随着国家科教兴国战略的不断实施,国家加大了对高素质人才的关注和培养,传统的应试教育已逐步取代为素质教育,在高校体育教育中开展。对体育课程体系进行了重大
【摘 要】体育课,体育课是一门以学生为主体的主要课程。体育课的目的是增强学生体质,使学生掌握体育基本技术,基本技能和基本知识,最终达到养成众生锻炼身体的好习惯。体育课意义在于,提高运动系统的功能,学生的生长发育;提高内脏器官的功能,使其体格健壮;消除大脑疲劳,提高学习效率;培养学生良好的心理品质,加强对他们的思想道德教育;培养学生的创造性思维。“放松是通往冠军之路的捷径。” 这么的一句话可谓是“居
【摘 要】随着我国体育事业不断的改革与发展,篮球运动的开展对促进国家全民健身的推动及竞技运动市场化有着重要的现实指导意义。篮球运动的发展从国外的NBA到国内的CBA,可以看出竞技水平逐年提升,所运用的篮球技术,尤其防守技术的有着重大的突破。为更好的推动篮球防守技术的发展,本论文就篮球防守的重要性及防守战术特点进行阐述介绍,对影响防守质量及当前常见问题进行分析,并提出了解决措施。  【关键词】现代篮
【摘 要】小学体育教学中,提高教学的质量是确保预期教学目的能够实现的关键措施。本文分析了小学体育教学中存在的问题,提出小学体育课堂教学,要打破体育教学的传统旧模式,适时激励和正确引导学生,在体育教学中要注重学生创新精神的培养。  【关键词】初中体育;教学质量;措施  提高小学体育课的教学效果,使学生在课堂上就能得到体育教育和能力培养,并通过课堂教学的积极锻炼来增进体质的不断健康发展,了解体育的基本