我们曾在本刊1985年第2期上刊登过山西省岚县县委牛西午同志的“浅论中幼林作价自由买卖问题”一文, 文中对中幼林作价自由买卖的必要性、作价的方法以及这一政策对经济效果的影响进行了分析、论述。那么中幼林作价自由买卖在实际中的进展如何呢?对此,我们进行了追踪报道。在这里刊登的刘拖信同志的调查报告,便是对中幼林作价自由买卖实践状况的描述,作者还提出了进一步完善的意见。我们希冀广大作者、读者、热情支持这类系列报道,从而更好地反映林业改革的进程,也促使林业经济理论发展的系统、完善,并应用于林业实践中。
We have published in the 2nd issue of the journal 1985 over Lanxian County, Shanxi Lanxian County comrade “on the issue of free trade in young and middle prices” one article, the text of the young and middle-aged free trade price of the need for the method and price of this The impact of policies on economic effects is analyzed and discussed. So free trade in young trees in the actual progress of what? In this regard, we conducted a follow-up report. The investigation report published by Comrade Liu Dongxin here is a description of the state of practice of the free sale of young and medium-sized forests. The author also put forward further improvements. We hope that the vast majority of authors, readers, and enthusiastic support for such a series of reports, so as to better reflect the process of forestry reform, but also promote the development of forestry economic theory system, improve, and applied to forestry practice.