2003年,笔者参与审查了20余部续修市、县(市)志篇目。发现一些不容忽视的问题,下面探讨一下解决这些问题的方法。一突出新时期时代特点问题 、续修志书记述的时空断限一般是1986到2000年,正是社会主义建设新时期。续志篇目设置要突出新时期时代特点,必须着力反映以经济建设为中
In 2003, I participated in the review of more than 20 refresher cities, counties (cities) Zhi articles. Find some can not be ignored, the following to explore ways to solve these problems. First, highlighting the current characteristics of the new era, the renewal of the annals of time and space described in the book is generally from 1986 to 2000, it is the new period of socialist construction. Continued to set the agenda set out to highlight the characteristics of the new era, we must focus on reflecting the economic construction as