以《英语1基础模块》的Unit 7一篇对话的教学过程为例,探寻如何在中职英语教学中,以任务导向法为教学手段,合理引入分组合作学习方式,从而调动学生的积极性,把“填鸭式”课堂转化为学生唱主角的课堂,提高学生英语运用能力和团队合作能力。
第一部分是新课导入环节:今天我们分组合作学习Unit 7 Can I speak to Wang Yang.
(1)分组合作任务一:通篇理解。任务设计意图:通过提问题激发学生学习兴趣,学生组内相互帮助,找出对话中的时间、人物、事件,理清对话来龙去脉。Read the dialogue on Page 104 and answer the four questions as following. ①When does the dialogue happen? ②How many people are there in the dialogue? Who are they? ③Who appear in the dialogue? ④What’s Ben doing now?
(2)分组合作任务二:熟悉单词。任务设计意图:通过三个环节——寻找、自学、互教,即找新词难词、自学新词难词、组内组外互相教授新词难词三个过程,让学生们通过个人和小组力量熟悉和掌握单词。Read the dialogue on Page 104 and find the new words and phrases.
(3)分组合作任务三:概括提取句型。任务设计意图:通过组内互助找句型,来加深对打电话常用句型的理解,并通过此任务培养提升学生概括提取能力。Listen to the dialogue and find out the sentences used in the dialogue. ①How to make the phone call? Fine the useful sentences. ②How to answer the phone call? Fine the useful sentences. ③How to answer the phone call when he/she is unavailable. Fine the useful sentences.
(4)分组合作任务四:转换对话,角色扮演,教师评分。任务设计意图:通过复述对话——转换真实人物角色——转换对话中情节这三个递进的层级,来提升学生转换对话并内化知识的能力,并通过开展小组角色扮演活动比赛,以赛促学。①Try to role-play the dialogue. ②Try to rearrange the dialogue by using your real names and then do the role-play. ③Try to rearrange the dialogue by changing the plot and detail and then do the role-play.
第一部分是新课导入环节:今天我们分组合作学习Unit 7 Can I speak to Wang Yang.
(1)分组合作任务一:通篇理解。任务设计意图:通过提问题激发学生学习兴趣,学生组内相互帮助,找出对话中的时间、人物、事件,理清对话来龙去脉。Read the dialogue on Page 104 and answer the four questions as following. ①When does the dialogue happen? ②How many people are there in the dialogue? Who are they? ③Who appear in the dialogue? ④What’s Ben doing now?
(2)分组合作任务二:熟悉单词。任务设计意图:通过三个环节——寻找、自学、互教,即找新词难词、自学新词难词、组内组外互相教授新词难词三个过程,让学生们通过个人和小组力量熟悉和掌握单词。Read the dialogue on Page 104 and find the new words and phrases.
(3)分组合作任务三:概括提取句型。任务设计意图:通过组内互助找句型,来加深对打电话常用句型的理解,并通过此任务培养提升学生概括提取能力。Listen to the dialogue and find out the sentences used in the dialogue. ①How to make the phone call? Fine the useful sentences. ②How to answer the phone call? Fine the useful sentences. ③How to answer the phone call when he/she is unavailable. Fine the useful sentences.
(4)分组合作任务四:转换对话,角色扮演,教师评分。任务设计意图:通过复述对话——转换真实人物角色——转换对话中情节这三个递进的层级,来提升学生转换对话并内化知识的能力,并通过开展小组角色扮演活动比赛,以赛促学。①Try to role-play the dialogue. ②Try to rearrange the dialogue by using your real names and then do the role-play. ③Try to rearrange the dialogue by changing the plot and detail and then do the role-play.