济南市人民商场建于1982年,现有职工1750多人,营业面积1.3万平方米,经营30多个大类,计3万多种商品,是山东省最大的国营大型综合性零售企业,号称济南商界四巨头之一。其商品销售额和实现利税已连续5年居山东省同行业之首。 这个在改革中诞生及伴随着改革发展壮大的商场,在近几年市场疲软、生意难做、效益滑坡的情况下,所以始终充满生机、活力、顾客盈门、效益
Established in 1982, Jinan City People’s Shopping Mall has more than 1,750 employees and a business area of 13,000 square meters. It operates more than 30 categories and counts more than 30,000 items. It is the largest state-owned large-scale integrated retail enterprise in Shandong Province. One of the Big Four in Jinan’s business community. Its merchandise sales and profits and taxes have been ranked first in the same industry in Shandong Province for five consecutive years. This market, which was born in the reform and is accompanied by reform and development, has always been full of vigor, vitality, customers, and benefits under the circumstances of a weak market, hard business, and a decline in profits in recent years.