目前有这样一种观点,即以零售物价指数的高低来衡量群众的承受能力,进而以零售物价指数的高低来决定国家是否调整价格和追加调价项目。本人认为这个观点不十分科学和正确,值得商榷。 1、现行零售物价指数不能真实和全面反映物价总水平的变动状况。一是商品权数的确定和代表品的选择缺乏科学依据,不能适应消费结构的变化和准确反映居民实际消费水平。如目前随着独生子女的增多,花在
At present, there is such a view that the affordability of the people is measured by the level of the retail price index, and then the level of the retail price index is used to determine whether the country will adjust its prices and add additional price adjustment items. I think this view is not very scientific and correct and it is worth discussing. 1. The current retail price index cannot truly and fully reflect the changes in the general level of prices. First, the determination of commodity weights and the selection of representative products lack scientific basis and cannot adapt to changes in the consumption structure and accurately reflect the actual consumption level of residents. For example, with the increase of the only child,