昆明氮肥厂针对职工只注重环境卫生而忽视设备卫生的现象,制定出台了《造气车间设备和环境卫生管理条例》。新《条例》已于1998年8月1日起正式实施。 新《条例》是根据国家有关劳动保护,安全生产法律、法规的规定,结合工厂的实际制定的。共分两则、九条,其主要内容有:第一则修理维修职责。第二则操作卫生职责。九条是:①坚持八小时工作制;②严格遵守检修规程;③加强对所属设备的认真巡回检查;④及时消除设备的跑冒滴漏;⑤正确使用设备,注重设备及室内外卫生;⑥液位工精心调节液位在三分之一至三分二之间;⑦炉前工认真巡回检查各炉坐板情况;⑧风机工认真检查风机运行情况;⑨脱硫工认真进行所属设备的巡回检查。
Kunming Nitrogen Plant for workers only focus on environmental hygiene and neglect of equipment health phenomenon, promulgated a “gas plant equipment and environmental health regulations.” The new “Regulations” on August 1, 1998 came into effect. The new “Regulations” is based on the state labor protection, safety laws and regulations, combined with the actual plant formulation. Divided into two, nine, the main contents are: The first repair and maintenance responsibilities. The second operation of health responsibilities. Nine are: ① adhere to the eight-hour working system; ② strict compliance with maintenance procedures; ③ strengthen their own equipment to conduct a serious tour inspection; ④ timely removal of equipment running leaking; ⑤ the proper use of equipment, equipment and indoor and outdoor health care; ⑥ level Workers carefully adjust the liquid level between one-third and two-thirds; ⑦ firefighting workers carefully patrol each furnace sitting board situation; ⑧ fan workers carefully check the fan operation; ⑨ desulfurization workers seriously carry out their own equipment tour inspection.