目的了解和掌握乡镇卫生防保队伍人员状况,以便合理配置人力资源。方法通过对乡镇防保机构年报资料进行汇总分析。结果在145名预防保健人员中:以中专为主,占68.27%,大专以上学历只占8.28%,高中、初中学历分别占12.41%、11.04%;中级职称的占15.86%,初级职称的占83.45%,无职称的占0.69%;年龄在20 ̄29岁的占29.66%,30 ̄49岁的占45.52%,50岁以上的占24.83%。结论根据我市卫生人力资源现状,必须尽快提高全市预防保健队伍人员的整体素质,有计划的引进高学历、高职称的人才,实现卫生事业持续、快速、健康发展。
Objective To understand and master the status of personnel in township health and prevention teams so as to rationally allocate human resources. Methods Through the analysis of annual reports of township anti-insurance agencies. Among the 145 preventive health care workers, technicians in secondary schools accounted for 68.27%, college education accounted for only 8.28%, high school and junior high school education accounted for 12.41% and 11.04% respectively, intermediate grades accounted for 15.86%, and junior titles accounted for 83.45% accounted for 0.69% of those without a job title; 29.6% for people aged 20-29 years; 45.52% for people aged 30-49 years; 24.83% for those over 50 years old. Conclusion According to the status quo of health human resources in our city, we must improve the overall quality of the city’s preventive health care team as soon as possible, and plan to introduce highly-educated, high-title talents to achieve a sustained, rapid, and healthy development of the health industry.