In addition to the large-scale fishes such as pelicans, clams, and sailfish, which are abundant in the vast South China Sea, the production of flying fish also ranks first in the country. Flying fish is a fish that inhabits the warm and tropical seas. Its body is long-barreled with a black back and a silver-white belly. Its pectoral fins are particularly well developed, with an anal fin at the back, and can leap over the water. Flying fish are widely distributed in the South China Sea. The main fish farms in the Qinghai and Qizhou oceans of Hainan Island are used as the main fish farms, with an annual output of more than 16,000 kilograms. Flying fish belong to upper layers of fish and like to swim in groups on the sea. They usually live in the open sea. They swim in groups from March to April each year to spawn. The eggs are spherical, about two millimeters in diameter, and they stick together in pieces. Generally spawning on seaweed, seaweed is used to fix it so as not to be washed away by seawater, and because it is close to the water surface, the temperature is high and it is easy to hatch. Flying fish is a light-emitting fish that burns in the boat at night or