一、阅读下面一段古文,并回答问题(?)(?)者,善负小虫也。行遇物,辄持取,昂其首负之。背愈重,虽困剧不止也。其背甚涩,物积因不散,卒踬仆不能起。人或怜之,为去其负。苟能行,又持取如故。又好上高,极其力不已,至坠地也。1、解释加点的词:2、上则寓言的寓意有三种说法,你认为哪一种准确些,请在括号里面画“√”。(1)这则寓言讽刺了那些不从实际出发,逞强好胜最后终于失败的人。( )(2)这则寓言讽刺了那些不接受别人帮助,
First, read the following ancient text and answer questions (?) (?) Those who are good at negative insects. When you encounter something and you take it, you have to take it first. The heavier the back is, it is not only the drama. The back is very astringent, and the accumulation of the product does not stop. People or pity, to their negative. If you can, you can do it again. It’s so good that it’s high and it’s extremely hard to fall to the ground. 1. Explaining the added words: 2. There are three kinds of statements about the meaning of the last parable. Which one do you think is more accurate? Please use brackets to draw “√”. (1) This allegory satirizes those who do not start from reality, barely triumph and finally fail. () (2) This parable satirizes those who do not accept help from others.