走进双牌县五里牌镇全家洲村,只见山头田间、房前屋后尽是金黄透亮的梨、形大如桃的枣、酸中带甜的桔……让人垂涎欲滴。这就是远近闻名的“水果村”。当谈论起这个“水果村”的“致富经”时,村民无不感叹地说: “是义雪峰把我们引向了致富路,他是我们的‘水果王’,是我们致富的领头雁。”
Into the village of Wrigley card Shuangjiao County Village, I saw the fields of the field, the room is full of golden translucent pear, shaped like a peach jujube, sour sweet orange ... ... people coveted. This is the famous “fruit village”. When talking about the “fruit village” of the “wealthy”, the villagers all sighed: “Yi Xuefeng led us to the road to prosperity, he is our ’fruit king’ is the leading wild goose we get rich. ”