At the 15th Great Wall International Conference on Cardiology (GI-ICC) held in Beijing, China from October 16 to October 19, 2004, the organizing committee of the Great Wall International Cardiology Syndrome collaborated with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Opened “ACC Forum - 2004 Cardiology Progress” project. Invited some well-known American cardiologists and ACC experts to form a group of experts in the ACC project. The current chairman of the ACC, MichaelJWolk, served as the chairman of the ACC program and gave a special report on the latest developments and clinical hot issues in the field of cardiology in 2004. The magazine organized experts, based on the speech site notes, slideshow and recording to organize, and invited the Great Wall International Cardiology Academic Committee Professor Li Ruijie group draft and focus review, select the main content published here.