一、认真学习文件,加大宣传培训力度。 退耕还林还草工作是一项难度很大、任务艰巨、极其复杂的伟大工程,是造福子孙后代、坚持可持续发展战略方针的伟大事业。中共中央、国务院,省委、省政府及国家、省级有关部门,制定下发了一系列重要文件和政策办法,为我们扎实稳妥地搞好退耕还林还草工作指明了方向,提供了明确的具体政策依据和操作办法。各级林业主管部门要积极组织林业系统的
First, conscientiously study documents, increase publicity and training efforts. The project of returning farmland to forests and pastures is a great undertaking that is extremely difficult, arduous and extremely complicated. It is a great undertaking for the benefit of future generations and the strategic policy of sustainable development. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, as well as relevant departments at the national and provincial levels, formulated and issued a series of important documents and policy measures that set a clear direction for our solid and steady improvement of the work of returning farmland to forests and pastures, The specific policy basis and methods of operation. Forestry departments at all levels should actively organize the forestry system