
来源 :地球科学(中国地质大学学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmatch
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基于最新重力场模型对2014年于田Ms7.3地震震区的重力异常特征进行分析,并应用Crust1.0地壳模型计算得到震区的深部构造形态,结果显示:震中位于地壳厚度陡变带上.同2008年于田Ms7.3地震相比,震中虽位于不同位置,但发震机制均与深部地壳结构变化密切相关.统计研究区内历史地震活动性与重力异常之间的关系,发现震中的自由空气异常与地形存在明显的线性相关性,而布格异常和均衡异常的结果则明显不同.进一步地分别计算不同重力异常的水平总梯度和线性信号,结果表明:重力异常梯度量与地形的相关特性更明显.研究表明:Ms7.0以上大震活动与重力异常之间具有明显的统计特性学,这可能与重力异常反映的深部结构和壳内质量分布的不均匀有关. Based on the latest gravitational field model, the gravity anomaly characteristics of the 2014 Yutian Ms7.3 earthquake epicenter were analyzed and the crustal model of Crust1.0 was used to calculate the deep structural shape of the earthquake area. The results show that the epicenter is located on the steep change of crustal thickness. Compared with the Yutian Ms7.3 earthquake in 2008, although the epicentral centers are located at different locations, the seismogenic mechanism is closely related to the changes of the deep crustal structure. The relationship between the historical seismicity and the gravity anomaly in the study area is statistically investigated. There are obvious linear correlations between the free air anomalies and the terrain, while the results of the Bouguer anomalies and the anomalous anomalies are obviously different.Furthermore, the horizontal total gradients and the linear signals of different gravity anomalies are calculated respectively. The results show that: The results show that there is an obvious statistical property between the earthquakes above Ms 7.0 and the gravity anomalies, which may be related to the deep structure of the gravity anomalies and the uneven distribution of the mass in the crust.
目的了解云南省红河州和德宏州吸毒人群中HIV-1/HCV共感染者HIV-1耐药情况,为该地区该人群的抗病毒治疗提供理论指导。方法 筛查HIV-1/HCV共感染吸毒患者血液样本,对HIV-1 po
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花园口,中国人民抗日史上一个悲剧性的地方,中国人民仇恨与血泪凝聚的地方。 1946年,抗战胜利后,中国共产党和国民党反动派之间围绕着“花园口黄河决口”的修复,展开了一场正