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法国当代著名作家米歇尔·韦勒别克于1998年出版的小说《基本粒子》无论在叙事结构还是在叙事风格上都具有明显的后现代性。作者通过追叙、分叙、预叙等非传统线性叙事方式建构起小说庞大多重的叙事网络。在叙事风格上,小说多种叙事话语的杂糅,对其他文本的影射及其反身指涉凸显了文本的多元开放性,而其叙事主体及主题的含混则意寓着后现代语境下韦氏写作的不确定性。正是凭借其独特的叙事策略,小说全面深刻地诠释了当代西方存在的种种社会问题,并展现了后现代社会背景下中产阶级的生活及其精神面貌。 The novel “Basic Particle” published by French famous contemporary writer Michelle Weller Buick in 1998 has obvious post-modernity both in the narrative structure and in the narrative style. Through narrative, sub-narrative, pre-narrative and other non-traditional linear narrative, the author constructs a huge and multiple narrative network. In the narrative style, the combination of multiple narrative discourses, the reflection on other texts and their reflexive references highlight the multiple openness of the texts. However, the ambiguity of the subject and theme of the narratives implies that in the postmodern context, Uncertainty in writing. It is by virtue of its unique narrative strategy that the novel comprehensively and profoundly expounds the various social problems existing in the present western world and shows the life and spiritual outlook of the middle class under the background of post-modern society.