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近几年,很多地方都在探索实行推荐优秀团职转业干部进地方县(市、区)领导班子的做法。实践证明,这既有利于改善地方领导班子结构,也有利于拓宽安置渠道,是一项军地得利的“双赢”之举。为确保推荐工作实现地方、部队和个人三方满意,在实际操作中应注意把握三个方面。优中择优,选准对象团职干部是部队建设的中坚和骨干,政治可靠,能力突出,素质全面,把其中的优秀者推荐进地方党委班子任职,既展示形象,更树立导向。各级干部部门要切实把这项工作放在“事关军转干部切身利益,事关军队稳定,事关驻地经济社会发展”的高度,以“全面衡量、综合评定、优中选优”为根本原则,力争让最优秀、最过硬、最能代表军转干部水平的人选成为推荐对象。 In recent years, many localities have been exploring the practice of recommending excellent cadres recruited for outstanding cadres to work for the leadership of local counties (cities and districts). Practice has proved that this not only helps to improve the structure of local leadership but also helps to broaden the channels for resettlement. It is a win-win solution for the military. In order to ensure the satisfaction of the tripartite localities, troops and individuals in the implementation of the recommended work, we should pay attention to three aspects in actual operation. Priority is given to the choice of excellent, select the target group Cadres and cadres is the backbone and backbone of army building, political reliability, ability to highlight the comprehensive quality, one of the best recommended to the local party committees, both to show the image and establish a more oriented. The cadre departments at all levels should earnestly put this work at the height of “the vital interests of the military in turning cadres into military affairs and the stability of the military and the economic and social development of the resident areas,” and take the measures of “comprehensive measurement, comprehensive evaluation, ”As the fundamental principle, and strive to make the best, the most excellent, the most representative of the military cadres to become candidates for the recommended target.
审题是答题的前提和基础。只有弄清题目的要求,才能增强答题的针对性,答题时才能避免因为答非所问,答题不全面而大量失分的情况发生。 The question is the premise and bas
一、全命题作文    1.心中有一轮明月  快乐提示:  写此文首先要深入思考,理解“明月”的意蕴。“明月”本身就是一个极具象征意义的事物,并且在前面还有限制语“心中”。通过分析我们不难发现,“明月”在这个文题中象征着理想、信念、责任、道德、品格等,它是我们行动的指南针,是我们生存的动力,它是一种无形的、抽象的精神支柱。同学们只有领悟了材料的内涵,才能紧扣文题来作文。其次是展开联想,化虚为实。我们