General drum tooth gear tooth top high coefficient ha * = 1, the radial clearance coefficient C * = 0.25, full tooth height h = 2.25m (modulus), internal and external tooth pitch arc tooth thickness roughly equal. Its main advantage is that internal and external teeth processing technology is better, available standard gear hob and gear shaper for processing. However, the outer tooth root of such a crown gear coupling has a lower flexural strength than that of the inner sleeve, so that the outer teeth tend to break before the inner teeth wear and thus the coupling fails. Therefore, to improve the flexural strength of external teeth, is to improve the bearing capacity and life of this key. In order to improve the external tooth strength of drum-shaped tooth coupling abroad, there are two common methods: one is to reduce the thickness of internal teeth and increase the thickness of external teeth, so that the flexural strength of internal and external teeth are nearly the same; the other method is Using short-tooth-type internal and external teeth, reducing the external tooth height, so