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广西靠近广东的地方,通常被称为“桂东”。以前,桂东曾经流传着“一车猪一车水”的说法——广西农民喂大了一车的猪运到广东后,卖得的钱刚够买一车广东出产的饮料回去。这个酸涩的笑话说明了一个残酷的事实:包括广东在内的珠江三角洲地区是南中国理所当然的经济中心,但它对周边省区经济的辐射能力有限,主要是周边省份向广东输出廉价劳动力和低附加值的原材料,广东向这些省份输出工业品,双方的经济往来有限。随着泛珠战略的实施,珠三角核心区的周边省区正试图以一种全新的经济视角和产业布局融入大区域经济合作格局。广西构建以毗邻粤港澳的玉林市为枢纽城市、以324国道沿线乡镇为经济节点的“临粤走廊”,正成为“泛珠三角”区域经济合作中承东启西的新型经济带。 The place near Guangxi in Guangxi is often called “Guidong”. In the past, Gui Dong once circulated that “a car a car of water” argument - Guangxi peasants fed a large pig car shipped to Guangdong, the money sold enough to buy a car produced in Guangdong drink back. This sour joke illustrates the cruel fact that the Pearl River Delta, including Guangdong, is a natural economic center in South China, but its limited ability to radiate its economy to the surrounding provinces is mainly due to the low output of cheap labor and low Added value of raw materials, Guangdong exports of industrial products to these provinces, the two sides have limited economic contacts. With the implementation of Pan-Pearl Strategy, the neighboring provinces in the core area of ​​the Pearl River Delta are trying to integrate themselves into the pattern of regional economic cooperation with a new economic perspective and industrial layout. Guangxi builds a “Linyue Corridor” with Yulin as a hub city adjacent to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Maucao, and the “Linyue Corridor” with townships and towns along the 324th national highway as its economic node. It is now becoming a new type of economic belt that runs through the west and east through the “Pan-Pearl River Delta” regional economic cooperation.
“萝卜、白菜,各有所爱”,这是说人对食物有所偏爱。其实,植物对它的食物——肥料,也有差异显著的选择性。 “庄稼一枝花,全凭氮磷钾。”这三种要素可谓植物的“主食”,但各
Coupled with the rapid emergence of lightwave communications,there has been agrowing research and development effort on optical devices.Research interest is exp
零落[2]桐叶雨,萧条槿花风。  悠悠早秋意,生此幽闲[3]中。  况与故人别,中怀[4]正无悰[5]。  勿云不相送,心到青门[6]东。  相知岂在多,但问同不同。  同心一人去,坐觉[7]长安空。  【注释】  [1]元九:元稹,唐代著名诗人,白居易的好友。  [2]零落:指脫落。  [3]幽闲:闲适自得。  [4]中怀:心中。  [5]悰(cóng):欢乐,乐趣。  [6]青门:长安城的东南