This method can be a sample of continuous determination of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cd, Fe and other seven elements, the method is simple, fast, good reproducibility. Hitachi 508, light source Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Co, Cd hollow cathode lamp. Working conditions in Table 1. Analysis steps: Absorb water samples in 150ml beaker 5ml, add 5ml nitric acid heating and digestion, evaporated and cooled, pH4.2NaAc-NH_4Ac-HAc gently dissolved salt, into a 50ml volumetric flask to pH4.2NaAc-NH4Ac-HAc diluted To the scale, shake, take clear liquid 10ml in 25ml colorimetric tube by adding 2% APDC5ml shake, add 10mlMIBK, extraction 1.5 minutes, let stand stratification,