虽然P2B模式能够有效降低风险,但投资者仍然要仔细甄选平台。P2P在进入国内以后,早期曾纯粹照搬原型模式,但由于国内征信体系不完善,发展并不顺利。而在经过多年的发展后,目前的P2P已经逐步演变出多种不同的类型和商业模式。大致有如下几类:一是与美国Lending Club相似的纯线上P2P模式;二是投资人和借款人均来自线下的纯线下P2P模式;三是小贷公司项目直接对接互联网资金的P2P模式;四是平台发放代理权,由代理工作站提供项目,平台进行销
Although the P2B model can effectively reduce risk, investors still have to carefully select the platform. After entering the country, P2P had originally copied the prototype model. However, due to the imperfection of the domestic credit system, the development did not go smoothly. After years of development, the current P2P has gradually evolved into a variety of different types and business models. There are roughly the following categories: First, the pure online P2P model similar to the American Lending Club; second, the investor and the borrower both come from the offline pure line P2P model; third, the P2P model where the small loan company’s project directly connects to the Internet funds. Fourth, the platform grants the agency right, and the agent workstation provides the project, and the platform carries out the sales.