和着阿里巴巴在纽交所上市时的那一阵钟瑟齐鸣,马云,这位昔日的英语教师,如今的商界大咖,在这充斥着豪商巨贾熙攘叫嚣的浮世绘中异军突起,高调了一把。早在一个多世纪以前,曾国藩便定下“天下事,有所利有所贪者成其半,有所激有所逼者成其半”的格调。曾大人若在今天,必会轻抚马云先生那光洁、宽硕的额头颔首而道:“孺子可教”。当然,马云头上的光环不宁唯是—他是中国电商界的开拓者,是被传奇了的也是正在创造传奇的“高智团”领袖;是擎着创新大旗并将“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” (领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新)理念塞进那貌似ET脑壳中的业界奇人;他是野心家、纵横家,是创造美国史上最大IPO的幕后推手。然而今天,我想聊聊这位昔日同行在艺术圈玩的盆满钵满的一票。
为推广旗下应用程序往来,马云创作了一幅貌似太极阵混合卡布奇诺的水墨画“马体”进行慈善拍卖,引发大量围观,最终拍得善款242万人民 币。
Jack Ma, billionaire founder of China’s leading e-commerce giant Alibaba, has sold his own painting for 2.42 million yuan in his company’s debut charity auction, widely viewed as an attempt to promote the group’s new mobile messaging application “Laiwang”.
The traditional Chinese-style brushstroke artwork, imaginatively titled “Ma-style painting,” was sold on Alibaba Group’s consumer-to-consumer online retail platform Taobao in an auction that became increasingly heated. More than 913 bids were placed over the three-day-bidding process and the company was forced to push back the auction deadline dozens of times for enthusiastic bidders, according to the Taobao website. A bidder from Hong Kong won the auction for the abstract painting and the proceeds were donated to a charity project co-organised by Taobao and the Red Cross Society of China.
追根求源,此举源自马云曾承诺只要其在“来往”账户上的关注量愈10万,便鬻画赚吆喝。很显然,他的目的达到了: 仅卖画当日关注人数便激增至43万。此次拍卖被广泛视为推广名为“来往”的手机应用程序的市场噱头。在该程序刚刚上架的同时,马云在他的“来往”账号上宣布,想要竞拍他的作品需要在“来往”软件上注册成为用户。
The idea for the auction first arose when Ma earlier this month made a promise that if the number of registered users following his Laiwang account reached 100,000 by December 12, he would sell a painting that he created himself. The number of his followers shot up to almost 430,000 on the same day. The auction was widely viewed as a marketing stunt for Laiwang, which was launched in September, as Ma had originally announced the auction on his Laiwang account and said users wanting to bid would have to register and follow him on the mobile messaging application.
Meanwhile, Ma’s painting elicited several guesses from internet users baffled over what exactly it depicted. Among the guesses were lollipop, drifting cloud, a tai chi symbol, battercake, and a cup of cappuccino decorated with a swirl of cream.
为推广旗下应用程序往来,马云创作了一幅貌似太极阵混合卡布奇诺的水墨画“马体”进行慈善拍卖,引发大量围观,最终拍得善款242万人民 币。
Jack Ma, billionaire founder of China’s leading e-commerce giant Alibaba, has sold his own painting for 2.42 million yuan in his company’s debut charity auction, widely viewed as an attempt to promote the group’s new mobile messaging application “Laiwang”.
The traditional Chinese-style brushstroke artwork, imaginatively titled “Ma-style painting,” was sold on Alibaba Group’s consumer-to-consumer online retail platform Taobao in an auction that became increasingly heated. More than 913 bids were placed over the three-day-bidding process and the company was forced to push back the auction deadline dozens of times for enthusiastic bidders, according to the Taobao website. A bidder from Hong Kong won the auction for the abstract painting and the proceeds were donated to a charity project co-organised by Taobao and the Red Cross Society of China.
追根求源,此举源自马云曾承诺只要其在“来往”账户上的关注量愈10万,便鬻画赚吆喝。很显然,他的目的达到了: 仅卖画当日关注人数便激增至43万。此次拍卖被广泛视为推广名为“来往”的手机应用程序的市场噱头。在该程序刚刚上架的同时,马云在他的“来往”账号上宣布,想要竞拍他的作品需要在“来往”软件上注册成为用户。
The idea for the auction first arose when Ma earlier this month made a promise that if the number of registered users following his Laiwang account reached 100,000 by December 12, he would sell a painting that he created himself. The number of his followers shot up to almost 430,000 on the same day. The auction was widely viewed as a marketing stunt for Laiwang, which was launched in September, as Ma had originally announced the auction on his Laiwang account and said users wanting to bid would have to register and follow him on the mobile messaging application.
Meanwhile, Ma’s painting elicited several guesses from internet users baffled over what exactly it depicted. Among the guesses were lollipop, drifting cloud, a tai chi symbol, battercake, and a cup of cappuccino decorated with a swirl of cream.